The Top 5 Trickiest Interview Questions in Shared Services

Are you preparing for a job interview? We’ve decided to save you some stress and put together a short guide to the commonly asked yet tricky questions with answers. One of the best ways to get ready for a job interview is to practice your responses in front of a mirror or just ask a friend to listen to your answers. Good luck!

1. Why do you want to work for us? 
It’s one of the most popular questions asked during job interviews, not only in the SSC sector. It’s also one of those questions that need to be well thought out before the interview. You are more likely to impress your potential employer if you know your motivation and are confident talking about it.
When doing the research on the company before the interview, put down some thoughts on this question. Good to have these related to your goals. Be honest and try to make it a bit personal.
2. How long would you expect to work for us if hired? 
This may be a tricky one as giving a specific period of time is not the best idea. Something like this should work: I’d like it to be as long as we both feel I’m doing a good job.
3. Do you consider yourself successful? 
It’s important to remember that the answer is always ‘yes’. Besides that, you should give a short explanation why do you think so. A good one is that you have set goals, and you have met some and are on track to achieve the others.
4. We all make decisions that turn out to be mistakes. Describe a work decision you regret making. 
Don’t say you have never made any, it sounds unbelievable, everybody makes mistakes. Come up with a rather simple and short story.
5. What irritates you about co-workers? 
This is a popular trap question. Think real hard but fail to come up with anything that irritates you. A short statement that you seem to get along with folks is, in general, the good answer.   
Need more tips? Check our top 70 interview questions you will be asked in SSCs.
